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Prosper Colas cello bow

Prosper Colas cello bow
Catalog ID: A-CEB/3485

Firm information about Prosper Colas' early life and training is not forthcoming, but it seems that he was born in Coincourt and apprenticed locally before arriving in Paris in 1871, probably to work for J.B. Vuillaume. Regardless of who may have employed him initially, bows branded with Colas' own name can be found as early as 1871. Sometime after his arrival he appears to have started his own shop, which was prolific and successful, peaking around 1900. The workshop employed several talented makers and used various models, though on the whole the most significant influence was that of Bazin.

Sold with a certificate of authenticity from Jean-Francois Raffin

Round. Ebony and nickel fittings. 4/4
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