Featured Items
Everest Spring Collection Series
shoulder rests are identical to the popular EZ Series, so you can expect them to provide the same excellent comfort and durability. Economically priced Everest rests are available for violin & viola.
Galaxy Cases
represent many years of searching for a high quality case at an affordable price. JSI is the exclusive distributor of Galaxy cases in the USA.
Performance Wristies Finger Free Gloves
were designed specifically for musicians, and they do what they're supposed to! If you find that your hands get cold when you play, these may be just what you need. They're available in different sizes to fit any size hands.
Notes & Strings Flashcards
help make music learning fun! Classroom teachers find the large & half-size classroom size perfect, while students use the popular regular size and mini flashcards on a ring, so they won't lose a note!
Bam France Cases
are known world-wide as the leader in case technology and innovation. JSI is the largest seller of Bam France cases with more inventory in stock than any other retailer.
JSI Brand Products
are meticulously selected for quality and value. Browse the items that we are proud to represent Carriage House Violins.
Tensimount Microphone Isolator
is for anyone who uses a microphone and is serious about clean, distortion-free sound! The remarkably effective Tensimount modular system is the only truly universal shock-mount system.
Johnson Artist Carbon Composite Bows
are perfect for acoustic and electric players who want to purchase a quality carbon bow at a reasonable price.