Keith Sleeman cello bow
Contemporary British bow maker and restorer Keith Howard Sleeman has over 40 years of experience building and restoring bows. He began making bows at age 16—copying 19th century French models—and later trained with acclaimed bow maker Malcolm Taylor (1934–2012), who had worked for many years in the famous workshop of W. E. Hill & Sons.
From his vast research and experimentation, Sleeman has developed his own unique bow making methods for building modern bows influenced by François Xavier Tourte, Étienne Pajeot, François Nicolas Voirin, and Dominique Peccatte as well as historic bows from the Baroque and Classical periods. His bows have been owned by top string players throughout the world including Mischa Maisky and Sergiu Luca as well as members of the Boston Symphony, London Philharmonic, and the Dutch Radio Chamber Orchestra. He currently works from Salon des Archets , his studio in Barcelona, Spain, where he performs restoration work, builds bows on commission, and oversees the production of a line of bows offered at more affordable prices.